We faced the issue that some messages in Azure Event Hub couldn’t be processed. We wanted to fetch the messages with all additional information to analyze the issue. As Azure Event Hubs has an interface for Apache Kafka, we decided to use kafkactl as it is quite flexible.
kafkactl is a small command-line utility developed by Device Insight that is written in Go. As the name implies, the tool tries to be for Kafka clusters what kubectl is for Kubernetes clusters. It allows to manage multiple clusters and can be used to inspect and control various aspects around Kafka like topics and consumer groups.
The broker for kafkactl is the “Host name” value of the Azure Event Hubs Namespace.
For the authentication the connection string is used. This can be for a specific topic / event hub or the primary key which allows all topics / event hubs to be consumed.
Go to “Shared access policies” and select the “RootManageSharedAccessKey”. Then copy the primary connection string.
- "dev-blog-demo.servicebus.windows.net:9093"
enabled: true
mechanism: "plaintext"
password: "Endpoint=sb://dev-blog-demo.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=qVyjNrYLvqJmh5GVmlar0Yb5RRdmJGAXSWc498sktQw="
username: "$ConnectionString"
enabled: true
To adopt this for your environment, you need to set the brokers
and the password
aka primary connection-string.
Now you activate the context and use kafkactl as wanted.
For example, create a new topic, write to the topic, consume from the topic and delete the topic again.
psc@psc2 ~ % kafkactl config use-context dev-blog-demo
psc@psc2 ~ % kafkactl get topics
example 4
psc@psc2 ~ % kafkactl create topic my-new-event-hub --partitions 8
topic created: my-new-event-hub
psc@psc2 ~ % kafkactl get topics
example 4
my-new-event-hub 8
psc@psc2 ~ % kafkactl produce my-new-event-hub --header KEY:VALUE --value '{"msg":"test"}'
message produced (partition=1 offset=0)
psc@psc2 ~ % kafkactl consume my-new-event-hub --from-beginning --print-headers
psc@psc2 ~ % kafkactl delete topic example
topic deleted: example
psc@psc2 ~ % kafkactl get topics
my-new-event-hub 8
For more details about its usage see kafkactl’s GitHub repository.
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